Contact Us at Fort Klock: A Journey Through Time

Step into the Past

Nestled amidst the rolling hills and verdant valleys of New York’s Mohawk Valley, Fort Klock stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of the American spirit. Constructed in 1750 by Johannes Klock, a German Palatine immigrant, this fortified stone homestead served as a vital refuge during the tumultuous era of the French and Indian

War and the American Revolution.

Today, Fort Klock stands as a living history museum, inviting visitors to embark on a captivating journey through time. As you wander through the fort’s sturdy walls and explore its well-preserved interior, you’ll gain a profound understanding of the lives and struggles of those who sought shelter within its protective embrace.

A Bastion of Strength

Fort Klock’s imposing stone structure, with its strategically placed loopholes and thick walls, reflects its role as a sanctuary during times of conflict. The fort’s design, carefully crafted to withstand the onslaught of enemy attacks, speaks volumes about the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its builders.

As you step inside the fort, you’ll be transported back to the 18th century. The atmosphere is palpable, filled with the echoes of the past. Imagine the anxiety and fear that gripped the fort’s inhabitants as they huddled within its walls, seeking protection from the dangers that lurked beyond.

A Glimpse into Colonial Life

Fort Klock offers a fascinating glimpse into the daily lives of colonial settlers. Explore the fort’s various rooms, each meticulously furnished with authentic period artifacts, and envision the daily routines that unfolded within these confines.

Picture the Klock family gathered around the hearth, sharing meals and stories, their lives intertwined with the rhythms of the seasons. Imagine the children playing within the fort’s protective walls, their laughter echoing through the rooms.

A Legacy of Preservation

Fort Klock stands as a beacon of preservation, a tangible link to America’s rich and complex past. The fort’s dedicated staff and volunteers are committed to ensuring that this legacy endures, ensuring that future generations can appreciate the significance of this historic site.

Through guided tours, interactive exhibits, and special events, Fort Klock brings history to life. Visitors can witness reenactments of pivotal moments in the fort’s history, immersing themselves in the sights, sounds, and emotions of the past.

Contact Us

Fort Klock Historic Restoration 7203 Route 5 Saint Johnsville, NY 13452

Phone: (518) 568-7779

Plan Your Visit

Fort Klock is open seasonally from April to October. Admission fees apply.

For more information, please visit our website:

Embark on Your Historical Adventure

Fort Klock awaits, inviting you to embark on a journey through time. As you explore its rich history and immerse yourself in its authentic atmosphere, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the struggles and triumphs of those who came before us.